Christmas Charity Prints

In December, 2018 the Pittsburgh chapter of the professional association for design (AIGA) invited illustrators throughout the city to contribute original designs that would be carved and turned into stamps for a free printmaking event for Pittsburgh locals. “Seasons Printings” invited local people to come in, learn about the art form of traditional printmaking, and walk away with a set of their own, beautiful Christmas cards. 

I contributed two designs for the event. The first, “Joy to the Neighborhood” is a reference to Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood (a program native to Pittsburgh) and the peaceful, more understanding world that Fred Rogers sought to promote. 

The second—“City of Lights”—I designed to support the Jewish community of Pittsburgh in the wake of the Tree of Life Synagogue tragedy. The candles of the menorah make up the Pittsburgh skyline, symbolizing that no hate will change Pittsburgh’s fierce pride in its Jewish identity.




Cafe Fiona